
12 Keys for Engaging At-Risk Students
Using Passion, Creativity, and Critical Thinking
to Improve Student Achievement

Author, Bruce J. Stewart

All students are at-risk who are not challenged by passionate teachers – teachers who understand the importance of a critical thinking approach to teaching, and most importantly a passionate approach to the teaching profession. The stories in this book demonstrate the power of connecting with students and engaging them in a relevant curriculum each and every day. The stories in this book celebrate the human element of teaching, and recognize the resiliency and beauty of over thirty students who have overcome the obstacles of poverty to achieve success in education.
© 2010, 215 pages, 6 x 9 in.
Paperback: $19.95, ISBN 978-0-9845264-0-6

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Bruce J. Stewart

4826 Bright Drive

New Orleans, LA 70127